First day of class ..

Fall semester was such a stressful time, especially with the holidays approaching. My last day of class was two days before Christmas Eve ... 2 DAYS!!! No need to reminisce, especially my 20-page paper for my 'gender' class - that was torture.

Today was my first day back and I am quite excited! Why? Because, spring is coming .. YAY!! :). 

But beside spring, my "Gender and it's Discontent" class is quite challenging and intriguing. The course is focused on crafting a narrative that explains the fundamental appeal of the following theories of gender and sexuality: standpoint theory, object relation theory, theories of intersectionality, Marxian feminism, French feminism, poststructuralist theory, queer theory, gender skepticism, affect theory, analytic gender theory and transnational feminist theory.

Sounds heavy? YA! 

Me - illustrated by Ahyat

Me - illustrated by Ahyat